Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Crystal Angel

I finally know how to make a crystal angel. It's it beautiful?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Uncle Johnny & Mona's Wedding

Last saturday is Uncle Johnny and Mona's Wedding day. Uncle Johnny is not a old man, he is just 2 years older then me, we are ex-colleague, during that time all men that is older then me I will call them uncle, so all my ex-colleague also followed me call him uncle, ha ha ha, paisei..... Now he finally get married, I wish him happily ever after...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


昨天,大概11.50am我正在上班的时候,忽然感觉椅子在摇晃,开始我以为椅子坏了,后来发现旁边的玻璃墙也在震动,接着老板走了出来问我们有没有感觉摇晃,我们才感觉事态不妙。 同事从厕所出来告诉我们很多人涌出大厦,于是我们也离开办公室。

到了大厦外, 见到很多人,个个都在议论纷纷, 不知道到底发生了什么事。刚好是午餐时间,于是我们去吃午餐, 边吃边受到朋友的简讯发现不只我这儿有震动, 原来南部和西部也有。

午餐过后, 回到办公室, 一切恢复正常, 我们也如常的上班。从广播中我们了解到刚才的震动是因为苏门答腊发生6.6级地震所引起的。 到了1.50pm我们又感觉到逾震,由于知道发生了什么事,所以也没有之前的恐慌。

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Yu Sheng

Having Yu Sheng in Company dinner last night at Hotel intercontinental - Man Fu Yuan

Friday, March 02, 2007

My new year shoe

Although it is not the first time to wear red shoe but it is the first time wearing so ladylike one.