Saturday, April 09, 2011

Basic Sweet Bread

Like this recipe, the bread is very soft.

Receipes from by Alex Goh

A  100g   Bread Flour
      70g    Boiling Water

B  300g   Bread Flour
     100g   Plain Flour
       80g   Sugar
         6g   Salt
       20g   Milk Powder
        9g    Instant Yeast

C   175g  Cold Water
       60g   Egg

D    60g  Butter


1. Add the boiling water from A into flour, mix untill well blended to form dough.  Cover and set aside to cool.  Keep it into refrigerator for at least 12 hours.
2. Mix B untill well-blended.  Add in C and knead to form rough dough.  Add A and knead untill well-blended.
3. Add in D and knead to form elastic dough.
4. Let it proof for 40 minutes.
5. Divide the dough into 80g each and mould it round.  Let it rest for 10 minutes.
6. Flatten the dough and roll it into desire shape - oblong or flat.
7. Place it onto greased pan and let it proof for 45 minutes.
8. Egg wash the surface.
9. Bake at 180 degree for 12-15 minutes.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


买了 <孟老师的100道面包>, 所以决定式一式。.


A.     高筋面粉200克    细纱糖15克   盐1/4克    蛋白70克   既溶酵母粉2克1/2小匙) 水50克
B.     无盐奶油15克
C.     内陷:培根,切达起士片个5片

1. 材料A全部混合,先用慢速搅拌成团,再用中速搅成稍具光滑状的面团。
2. 加入无盐奶油用慢速搅入,再用中速搅成可拉出稍透明薄膜的面团。
3. 面团放入容器内并盖上保鲜膜,进行基本发酵约80分钟。
4. 面团分割成5等分,滚圆后盖上保鲜膜,松弛约10分钟。
5. 面团擀成约16公分,宽约10公分的长方形。
6. 反面后分别铺上培根几切达起士片,轻轻卷成圆柱体,封口朝小从表面1/2处切到接近地
7. 用手轻轻将面团表面压平,盖上保鲜膜,进行最后发酵约25分钟。
8. 刷上均匀的蛋液,放入一预热的烤箱中,以上火190C, 下火190C烘烤约20分钟。 

Mango Muffin

 做这是为了参加 Aspiring Bakers #5 : Fruity March (March 2011) 。没有新鲜的芒果,所以用芒果干,如果再加上芒果汁应该肯更香。


无盐奶油    65g
砂糖            75g
蛋                1个
低筋面粉    130g
发粉            1小匙
牛奶           50ml
芒果干       25g     )   泡1小时
滚水           60ml   )

1。 把奶油倒进盆里,用打蛋器搅打成乳状。
2。 把砂糖分2-3次加入,每次加入后都充分的搅拌混合。
3。 把打散的蛋液少量逐次地加入混合。
4。 加入半量的过筛粉类,用打蛋器略微搅拌混合。
5。 加入半量的牛奶,改用橡皮刀一切拌方式混合。
6。 依序加入剩下的粉类和牛奶,搅拌到看不见粉末为止。加上芒果干拌匀。
7。 等分的舀进放进有油力纸模的模型里,用预热至180C的烤箱烘烤20分钟左右。以竹签刺入中央,若无面糊沾粘就表示完成了。

Tuesday, March 22, 2011



A  奶油   275g
     面粉   255g
     奶粉   114g

B  蛋黄   284g
    蛋白   189g

C  低筋面粉   170g

1. 材料A一起打发。
2  材料B先冷藏,再分次慢慢加入打发。
3  材料C过筛加入拌均匀后,倒入铺纸模型中,以上火200度/下火150度烤25分钟。

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mandarin Orange Chiffon Cake

I have miss out the last 2 months Aspiring Bakers, cos too busy, but don't know busy doing what hahaha.  So now finally free and decided to bake a heart shape chiffon cake to take part on this event - Aspiring Bakers #4 for Feb 2011: Love In The Air

This is the first time I using this recipe to do Chiffon Cake, quite soft and taste quite nice, because I am too anxious to try it, therefore I did not let it cool completely and the result turn out the texture a bit wet :(

Receipe from <<好吃戚风蛋糕轻松上手>>

Egg Yolk      3 pcs
Sugar            70g
Oil                 35ml
Orange Juice  60ml
Orange Zest   1/2 tsp
Orange Liquor 1tsp (I did not add)
Cake Flour     80g
Egg Whites     4 pcs

1. Preheat oven at 180 degree.
2. Beat Egg yolks with 1/3 sugar and oil, add in orange liquor and juice till all well blend.
3.Add in the orange zest, followed by cake flour.
4. In another clean bowl, beat egg whites, then add in the balance 2/3 sugar till stiff.
5. Mix the egg yolks batter and egg whites batter together untill well mix.
6. Pour the batter to the baking tin and bake for 30 minutes.
7. Once cake is ready, turn it upside down to let it cool completely.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chinese New Year Cookies

This Chinese New Year I only made 4 types of cookies, Fried Crab Sticks is just a snack which I learn from the website, quite easy to do, only ingredients are the crab sticks and oil to fry.

1. Bee Hives  2. Fried Crab Sticks  3. Chocolate Chips cookies  4. Kueh Bahulu  5. Sugee cookies

Monday, January 03, 2011